King Henry by: InfernalFinn

Monday, November 8, 2010

Victory Is Ours!

We have won! Although I don't mean to boast but after all the worrying, it feels great. I think I had even motivated myself during the St. Crispins Day speech a bit! However, I need to keep in mind that the French are now under my wing and so, I can not demean them.  Therefore I have politely told my surviving men not to gloat around nor to the people of France. Anyway, as I look around I feel as though we have not won. These empty bodies, lying dirty in a sleep-like essence. They did not win anything but death, still they fought valiantly. For that, they have won respect and honor in my heart. As for the rest of my newfound "brothers", we are heading home....sweet home.
-King Henry V

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